It is the mission of the Valley of the Moon Water District to provide its customers with
reliable, safe water at an equitable price, and to ensure the fiscal and
environmental vitality of the District for future generations.
Mon. - Thurs. 8 to 5 / Fri. 8 to 4
Closed for Lunch: 12 - 12:30 (on-call 24/7)
Phone Payments: 1-833-360-7525
2025 Regular Board Meeting Schedule
3/4/2025 Special Board Meeting
3/4/2025 Regular Board Meeting
Leak Adjustment Request
Did you have property side leak / break in your plumbing? You may qualify for a one-time adjustment. The General Manager or another person delegated the responsibility for adjusting water billings, may adjust the water usage portion (excluding service charge), on a residential customer account falling within the tiered structure rate when the following requirements are met:
Customer shall notify District, in writing, of water loss from a property side leak within thirty days from the billing date for the period in which the water loss occurred. The water loss adjustment shall be limited to one adjustment in a thirty-six-month period per customer, and the adjustment shall be made for a single billing period only.
The District determines that there is a property side leak and the approximate rate of leakage by observing conditions at the property and meter operation.
There must be evidence that excessive use of water was not due to the customer’s willful or neglectful acts, or failure of due diligence on the part of the customer.
The District determines that the bill is excessive in that it does not truly reflect the amount of water that has been beneficially used by the customer.
The District shall require repair bills or other appropriate documentation substantiating the repair of the property side leak prior to approving a claim for adjustment.
Customer shall submit a District leak adjustment form and appropriate documentation.
The District must be satisfied that the leak problems that resulted in a request for an adjustment have been properly repaired or resolved. District will dispatch a representative to the property or check available AMI electronic data to verify no further leaks exist. A determination of whether an adjustment is granted shall be made by the General Manager or their designee, and shall be final. In making the determination, the District will consider all circumstances surrounding the request.
Should you qualify for an adjustment, the following shows how it would be calculated:
The customer’s average bill will be calculated based on usage over the immediately preceding three-year period using the same three billing periods from each year or when AMI electronic data is available. If such records of usage do not exist, the District will average available water usage history. Any usage during the period in question, which is over the calculated average, will be considered to be caused by the leak and called “overage”.
Bill Adjustment = Overage x (Rate of District’s Tier 2 water per 1,000 gallons - Rate of District’s Tier 1 water per
1,000 gallons)
In the event of an emergency scenario (fire, earthquake, etc.) where excessive water use occurred through no
fault of the customer, the District may grant an adjustment of the water bill.
Please use the leak adjustment form above and submit to when complete.