It is the mission of the Valley of the Moon Water District to provide its customers with
reliable, safe water at an equitable price, and to ensure the fiscal and
environmental vitality of the District for future generations.
Mon. - Thurs. 8 to 5 / Fri. 8 to 4
Closed for Lunch: 12 - 12:30 (on-call 24/7)
Phone Payments: 1-833-360-7525
2025 Regular Board Meeting Schedule
4/1/2025 Regular Board Meeting
Status of Current Projects
Altimira Middle School Fire Flow Improvement Project
Currently under design, and going out to bid in late 2024 or early 2025, is the Altimira Middle School Fire Flow Improvement project. This will consist of replacing existing 6 inch and 8 inch PVC and ACP water mains with new 12 inch PVC water mains along Arnold Drive, replacing existing 6 inch pipe with new 8 and 12-inch pipe adjacent to Altimira Middle School, replacing 15 existing service connections, and replacing three existing fire hydrants.

Aquifer Storage and Recovery Wells
The District received a DWR Grant to assess the feasibility of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) wells at two locations in its service area. It is working with EKI Environment and Water (engineering firm) on the plans and specifications as well as the development of a feasibility study. The initial drilling phase is already complete, and was done by Weeks Drilling and Pump Company. The District is striving to complete the two ASR wells by early 2026. If successful, these wells will give the District the ability to store drinking water in the ground for later extraction and use, especially in emergencies. It will also give the District and its partners, the ability to inject water into the lower aquifer in the Sonoma Valley, helping reverse years of decline.